First Frost

First Frost was a gastro art journeydeveloped with NakedSpace, Talara Studios and Chef Peng. The food experience was a prelude to the third edition of Asian Artist Living room, a nomadic gallery curated by Amber the founder at NakedSpace. I design-directed the evening working with both Amber and Peng to translate the artistic themes and concepts of First Frost into this culinary overture to the exhibition. Our purpose was to kindle engagement between the guests and artists. First Frost, the 18th season of the Asian calender, highlights the change from warmer months to winter. Our menu reflects liminal spaces, between seasonal transitions in nature, and in our phygital landscape. Just as every artwork tells its tale, every dish is a story. This event offered a deeper exploration of the transformative power of food, leveraging it as a medium for communication, connection and community.


Verde Azul Studios


Digesting Data