We are a collective of creatives; we are builders, thinkers, and innovators. Our team is made of young female entreprenuers bound by the commitment to connect and align with the core values of our communities. We tackle the complexities of construction, materials, and design with a hands-on approach that ensures completion and success.

Conscientious Material Use We select materials that are not only durable and recyclable but also minimize environmental impact, bringing long-term benefits to the communities and ecosystems we serve. Each material is chosen with the future in mind, ensuring our projects are built to last and evolve.

Our Values

Regenerative Practices Wherever possible, we implement practices that rejuvenate their own sources of energy and materials. Our aim is not just to reduce the impact but to actively enhance, supporting local economies and biodiversity through innovative ecological solutions

Thoughtful Design Practices Our designs go beyond aesthetics to ensure adaptability, resilience, and sustainability. Each project is a step towards creating spaces that support the social and environmental fabric of the communities they inhabit, today and tomorrow.

Ethical Engagement and Transparency Transparency is at the heart of what we do. We collaborate closely with local communities, craftsmen, and suppliers who share our vision of fairness and integrity. Our projects are dialogues, creating spaces that give back to their environments and foster mutual growth.

Holistic Impact Assessment Every Olio project undergoes rigorous assessment to ensure it contributes positively to its surroundings. We meticulously analyze the environmental, social, and economic impacts to promote well-being and progress.

Commitment We believe in "responsible design" and "ethical engagement"—terms that reflect our commitment to real and impactful changes. At Olio, our mission is to demonstrate that effective project completion and pioneering innovation can go hand-in-hand with nurturing ecological and social responsibilities.